Mari Bickmore Design | Having a Blast In Interior Design and Staging


Texas Clam Chowder – The Best 1024 727 Mari Bickmore

Texas Clam Chowder – The Best

Well this beginning has nothing to do with Clam Chowder, Texas or otherwise (that comes later).  In the middle of the night, many times, I have thought about topics I wanted to write about and none of those times did I follow through; they’re now like the misty stuff of dreams.  Here’s one I remember though…A couple of weeks after the inauguration I had a great conversation with a friend on the wrong side (oops).  We disagreed on many things, agreed on some, and did so amicably.  One of her big problems was the theory that Trump had some connection with Russia, still unsure as to what.  I don’t buy into any of that, nor do I think Trump has a man crush on Putin.  Anyway, as it turns out everyone and their dog has had a meeting with the Russians…on both sides of the fence…except, it seems, Sarah Jessica Parker, if you follow that sort of thing.  I recall a statement by Obama before the last election when he thought the mic was off that goes like this:  “After My Election I Have More Flexibility.”  Did you see the MSM go after that?  None of them seemed to have a problem with that…but now it’s like they’ve all went CRAZIER.   Also, how can they say the Russians interfered with the election exactly?  Even if they did hack the DNC and reveal things that they had done…then the DNC did those things.  Somehow the real “criminals” are  made to be okay just because their crimes were revealed by the Russians (if that is even true).   I know, we’re living in the Twilight Zone.

And now we see the true (tolerant HAHAHAHA) Alt-Left…breaking private property, impeding regular people’s road right-of-way, beating people up, acting like idiots, and trying to stop the free speech of others with differing ideas…the list goes on and on.  I’m glad we didn’t act that way when the travesty that is Obama was elected.  Sure, I complained, and hopefully so did millions of other people, but that was mostly words on a screen and not looting and assault.

Finally, I’m moving on.   I’m still looking at those resolutions and my work on them is a bit stifled, so I went to the gym yesterday for the first time this year.  And today I was shamed again, so I went on a 2.5-mile walk.  Who knows, maybe it’s a trend!  However, I have been playing tennis a few times a week.  Does that count?  First time playing on a mixed doubles team and it’s fun!  I was always intimidated about playing with guys so I always turned down the invites to play on those teams.  We are in second place.  Bummer.  Maybe that will change.  In any event, I had to make food to take to a match the other day and remembered how yummy my recipe for TEXAS Clam Chowder was, so I made it.   Instant hit!  I’ve been perfecting this one for many years.

IMG_7919 (2)
Mari’s Texas Clam Chowder
1/2 pound smoked peppered bacon, chopped into small pieces (I chop it small before I fry it, but you could just fry it and crumble later; it’s just easier to put it all in the pot to fry chopped small)
3  jars or cans baby clams and/or minced clams (I actually buy fresh clams if I can find them but that is unusual)
1 cup water
1 Tbsp cornstarch
4-6 medium red potatoes (peeled or unpeeled), diced
6 medium carrots peeled and diced
1/2 teaspoon white pepper
1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley
1 tsp Tony Cachere’s Creole Seasoning (you can try jalapeno pepper too)
3 celery ribs, finely chopped
6-8 ounces large fresh mushrooms, sliced
1/2 red onion, minced
Whipping/heavy cream about 1-3 cups depending on the consistency you want, I’m usually at about 2 cups.
In a large pot, fry chopped bacon until crispy browned; remove and drain on paper towels.  Drain off all but about a 1-2 Tbsp of the rendered fat.  Mix the cornstarch with a little water and mix until smooth.  Add clams w/juice and water to the pot along with the cornstarch mixture.  Add chopped potatoes and carrots, white pepper, parsley and seasoning to taste (I usually use about what is listed above).  Add chopped celery and mushrooms, then onion.  Crunch bacon into small pieces and add back to pot.  Bring to a boil, reduce heat and cook until carrots are done.  Add enough cream to achieve desired consistency.  I serve with oyster crackers.
Try it and let me know you loved it!  If you do then click Sign Me Up! on this site.
Gram Camp Days 1-3 1024 704 Mari Bickmore

Gram Camp Days 1-3

Before I delve back into the joys (and pitfalls) of renovation, I am going to recount my successes and failures of Gram Camp (grandmother/father camp…mostly mother) for my only two, fabulous granddaughters (ages 3 and 6).  They are the apples of my eye, my joie de vivre, my angels.  I have spent several months planning the agenda for this, my first foray into a planned agenda for these little tykes.  Even with my experience raising four children, I went into this thinking my spreadsheet would be followed  meticulously to perfection.  Elaborate breakfast at 8:30.  Activity from 10-12.  Lunch 12-1.  Activity 1:30-3:30.  Snack 3:30.  Downtime.  Dinner at 6:30 with cooking lessons at each meal and snack. Followed perfectly every. single. day.  Bwahahahaha!

Some things did go on schedule–I picked them up from the airport on time!   This was on a Tuesday, and they had just gotten back from 6 weeks in Japan that previous Sunday, so there was some jet lag going on, but that didn’t stop them too much, but did take a couple of days to get back on a sleeping schedule.  With all the planning that I did, I still didn’t have lunch ready for them coming in from the airport, so we stopped at Burgerocity in Folsom, CA, on the way home because it had such high ratings. Just a head’s up, for the price just go to In-and-Out.  Not much difference.  Okay, okay, for those of you burger afficianados, Burgerocity does use 100% Hereford and has more choices, but still…

Another head’s up, on the first day of Gram Camp take it easy.  Pool time.

Making homemade popsicles and homemade gummy bears to be ready later.

Easy cooking lesson for dinner…prefab flatbread and pizza toppings.  Easy stuff.


Day Two:  This is really day one, but who’s counting.  Still thinking of perfection, I get up before everyone else and make strawberry and banana cars for breakfast (and add cereal to the menu because one of them doesn’t like bananas and it just isn’t enough).


Already going off schedule on the first full day,  we decide to go to the water park.  Wanting to leave early so that we can be there when it opens at 10 a.m., I get everything together.  Sunscreen–check, towels–check, swim shoes–check.  However, my older granddaughter just sleeps and sleeps, and who can wake her since she is still on Japan time…but when it is edging past 10:30 we drag her out of bed.  Arriving to the park at just before noon, there is not a single parking place to be had anywhere and it is crowded, so we ditch the water park.  Since my nephew’s wife just had a baby yesterday (several weeks early), we decide to buy flowers and a treat and drop by the hospital.  This buying process takes a few hours, as those kinds of things can do, because we have to go to several places to find the right thing.  Ends up the places we finally buy at were in a couple of blocks from the water park where we started out…so is the hospital.   Go figure.  Nothing gets done off my list, except for breakfast and dinner–Nothing.   Girls get to spend time with their grandpa in the pool in the evening…so all is well.   They are still the best granddaughters in the entire universe.

Day Three:  Still maintaining that we are going to get back on track, I get up early and make grape caterpillars and an orange slice bird for breakfast.  Go me!

We are now going to make a tic-tac-toe board with painted rocks for the X’s and O’s!  My plan now is to find rocks in the upper back yard where there is a drainage bed for when it rains (which is only in the winter.  Ever.  Not a drop from May-November…now how weird is that).  Anyway, I am envisioning finding these nice, smooth, oval river rocks (maybe I should have taken a look back there prior to this plan).  What we find is far from that, as you will see in the photos.  My plan is to have them paint cute little lady bugs and tadpoles on these rocks to use for tic-tac-toe.  You know really pretty, crafty things.  What I didn’t remember was that a 3-year-old and a 6-year-old would be doing the painting, and that they would have their own vision.

My vision vs reality:


But the fun they had painting them and the fun they had playing the game they had personally made far outweighed the vision.

We break for lunch and popsicles.


For the rest of the afternoon I had planned on playing a beanbag game with hula hoops that just doesn’t happen (hula hoops are still in the box these many weeks later, as are the beanbags).  Might in interject here that I had a very long list of items to order that I wanted to use.  At about two weeks out from “camp” day 1, I made a plan to go shopping for these items.  That really didn’t sound very appealing to me, running around hither and yon to procure those things in the heat (not to mention not knowing where to go), so I spent an  evening ordering everything from Amazon, from soap-making items to the hula hoops to molds for the gummi bears.  Now I know why people get hooked on the shopping channel, getting all those boxes delivered to my doorstep was so exciting!

Back to Day Three, no beanbag game, just a little more downtime for me and their mom, and a little TV babysitting for the girls, and a great dinner of pureed cauliflower, zucchini fritters and corn on the cob.  Girls loved it.  I LOVE the pureed cauliflower and most always make it instead of potatoes now.  It is just YUMMY!  Make sure to think of healthy dinners and lunches, because you are going to have some not so healthy ones too.  If you want recipes for those things, just send a note.  The pureed caulifower looks just like mashed potatoes and so the kids never know the difference and the fritters were just yummy.   Then I got to watch Ever After High (oh boy!) before bed…every night.   These girls are full of life and energy…a  lot more energy than I have.  I don’t know what I would have done without their Mom here to help!  Hint:  Get help for your camp!





So we are now September 12, the day after 9/11.  As all people do, I remember that day very well.  Funny how major catastrophes indelibly print those days in your memory.   I won’t go into the day’s minutiae for you, but I will say that I thought we, as a country, would prepare itself for the Islamic crap that was to follow.  We didn’t.  We elected a (p)resident whose middle name is Hussain and who spent his early years in an Islamic country and who is the biggest Islamapologist there is.  Political correctness is now rampant, which leads to loss of freedom of speech, which is part of what America’s greatness comes from.  Heck, we have a bill introduced into Congress, H.Res 569, that would protect Islam from hateful rhetoric, among other things.  What a load of Malarkey!  Everyone who reads this should call or write their reps to kill this NOW.  All over the world.  Every. Single. Day. an atrocity is committed in the name of Islam, and the Western governments continue to let them invade our countries and commit those atrocities in our countries.  Our governments should be tried for treason.  Okay, that’s what I’m thinking about 9/11.  Instead of protecting us more, they are importing the terror in the form of “refugees.”  Refugees my !@*)!@.   Merkel, especially, should be hanged, drawn, and quartered, after a trial, of course.

On another noted, if you think that Hillary’s medical issues are something like “walking pneumonia,” then you’re part of the problem.  It is obviously much more serious than that.  And if you think her doctor tells you the truth, then you probably think Hillary tells the truth also !  HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

El Dorado Quesadillas 1024 739 Mari Bickmore

El Dorado Quesadillas


This 2016 election year is the election year from Hell.  As I have mentioned, we have a woman who is as corrupt and self-serving as the day is long.  She is no more a public servant than a man in the moon…there is no man in the moon…

Don’t think I wouldn’t like a woman president, but one who is strong, honorable, and worthy of the title, not one who cleans up her husband’s womanizing problems with her witch’s broom.  Back in 1992, when we lived in Memphis, we had some good friends who lived in Arkansas and were friends of the Clinton’s.  Even though they were friends, they had some pretty bad/wild stories about the Clinton’s, and many revolved around just those things…and they were their friends.   If you are not a liberal wearing blinders, then you have to have read soooo many terrible things about them over these many years, but they seem to be teflon and get away with it all.  Probably because the people who could throw them under the bus are either DEATHLY afraid of them or they have dirt on that person, i.e. blackmail.  But basically they just don’t want to die a early and mysterious death.  I’m sure Hillary has collected enough dirt on people to fill several books.  In any event, this new book by the ex-secret service guy on their staff, just backs up all the things I’ve known or thought I knew (Crisis of Character: A White House Secret Service Officer Discloses His Firsthand Experience with Hillary, Bill, and How They Operate by Gary Byrne).  But do I think liberals will be able to process it???  HAHAHA!  Absolutely not.  They did elect ZerO a second time, and look how he has morally and fiscally bankrupted my country.  I still haven’t figured out how the American public thought electing someone who spent their formative years in Indonesia instead of being steeped in the American culture and learned to love America would be a good choice for President.  It never made sense and still doesn’t.  Anyhow, somehow being a statesman and having integrity is not important for getting elected to President in our current pop culture society.  I find that quite sad and disturbing.
The other day someone I know made a post stating that Christians shouldn’t post things that are judgmental about candidates and that instead they should only post positive things about their own choice for office.  I absolutely and unequivocally disagree with this posit.   Not only when someone is running for office are they laying their life bare for all to scrutinize, but as Christians we are supposed to do some investigation to find the best candidate to strengthen the values we want upheld in our localities and country to maintain for us and our children.  Exposing a bad apple is a good thing.  We are supposed to hate the sin but love the sinner, but when you “hate” a public figure you are hating what they stand for, since we don’t actually know them on a personal level.  We are actually supposed to judge a righteous judgment (that’s true, look it up).  I don’t condone maligning someone with untruths, but, especially in this case, you don’t have to look too far until you see the abyss.  Hillary is like black mold in the walls of a house that is spreading through the cracks and corners and the liberals are like the homeowners who are in denial and just keep painting over it.   We may all do things that are wrong (not as bad as Clinton by any stretch) and make bad choices, but we are not running for political office and then acting like we are in it to help people.  I find her scary and justified in noting it.  We won’t even go into how much she lied on her recent Email-gate investigation and how she somehow wiggled out of getting indicted, although who really thought they would do that to a Clinton…they live above the law and know it.  That’s why they do the things they do.  I will address this later.

On a lighter note, since I always have to end with food, fashion, or design, so food it is…again.  This is a fairly quick and easy dinner, and just yummy.


4 boneless chicken thighs

1 large boneless chicken breast

1/3 cup Kitchen Bouquet sauce

1 tsp Tony Cachere’s Creole Seasoning

Grated sharp cheddar OR Mexican cheese blend

Cotijo OR Queso Fresco

1/3 cup chopped red onion

1/4 cup chopped cilantro

Good quality flour tortillas

1 Granny Smith apple or other tart firm apple



1 Haas avocado

Creamy chipotle sauce (recipe below)

Place all chicken in a glass bowl and stir with the Kitchen Bouquet and Tony’s; let marinate for 30 minutes to an hour.  Meanwhile prepare the rest of the ingredients.

Cut the apple into semi-thin slices and halve.  Sprinkle very lightly with cinnamon and saute in butter until al dente and set aside.

Saute the chicken on medium-high until golden on each side, just a couple of minutes, and then reduce heat to low-medium until done.  Cool just until able to handle, then shred.

In a nonstick skillet, either melt a small amount of butter (my choice) or use an oil of your choice and heat on medium.  Place a flour tortilla in the skillet and twirl to evenly disperse the oil.  Sprinkle all over with both of the cheeses (I don’t do it very heavy, but depends on how much cheese you like).  On one side place chicken pieces, apples, and sauce.  On the other side sprinkle onions, cilantro and some avocado.  Fold the quesadilla in half and cook until golden on each side.  I slice some tomatoes and use the extra avocado to garnish.  Really yummy!

Chipotle Sauce

Okay, this is just something easily made up.  The first time I made it I used ½ cup prepared Chipotle Mayo, about 3 Tbsp of cream, 1/4 tsp cayenne and 1/4 tsp salt.  Way good.

The second time I used ½ up mayo, 3 Tbsp prepared chipotle sauce, 3 Tbsp cream, 1/4 tsp cayenne, and ½ tsp salt.

They are both equally as good in the quesadilla.  The first one has an edge on just tasting out of the bowl.



What Are Excuses For? (and Fish Cakes) 1024 768 Mari Bickmore

What Are Excuses For? (and Fish Cakes)

I tell you what excuses are for…to make up reasons why you haven’t done something you need to do.   Well, it’s not that I need to write this, but I do like to do it.  You wouldn’t think so considering the paucity of posts I have written, now would you.  I have to make a confession though.  Something I don’t really like to talk about, yet here I am laying it out to the world…or actually the five people who might actually read this post.  I had been a little down, i.e. melancholy; depressed if you will.  Maybe I was just teary for awhlle.  Call it what you will.  Not a debilitating thing, but not fun either.  From early 2016 until sometime in April I would just cry too easily.  It’s like tears were just parked behind my eyes waiting to come out.  Do you ever feel that way.  I don’t think it’s fun for people you live with either.  If someone said something the least bit off-putting to me, I cried, and then I would start thinking about things I couldn’t control in my life, and that would make the crying last longer.  I have moved so many times now that I have all but forgotten how to make friends, and that would be my biggest trigger.  Somehow I came out of that…thank you God.  I don’t want to make light of depression by saying I came out of it just like that.  I have had this, whatever this is, on and off for many years and it is usually situationally-based in nature.  Stuff happens, right?  Sometimes I just don’t deal well with it.  Anyway, now I’m still trying to remember how to make friends, even though I’m not sure I have the energy for it.  I have concluded that it takes a lot to make new friends at my age.  I feel like everyone in a new place already has a life and friends and is quite busy and that they don’t need someone new in their lives…so I don’t barge in to upset their applecart, so to speak.  In any event, right now my son’s girlfriend from Norway is staying with us and I really like her…maybe she’ll be my friend.  Kind of sounds like I’m in junior high..right?  “Will you be my friend?”

Good new is that I’m able to play tennis again, the sun is shining everyday, the flowers are blooming, and life is good.   My husband is a love and takes good care of me.  I would promise that I won’t write anything morose for quite some time, but I might not be able to keep that promise.  Just depends what life brings my way.  There are lots of things happening in the world that I have a strong opinion on right now:  CRAZY election year here – a lying, corrupt, self-serving witch and a real estate mogul who can’t keep his mouth shut to save his campaign…or is that what he wants us to think?  More CRAAZZY Muslim murderers, Brexit, men using the little girls room, “Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together… mass hysteria!”…and the beat goes on.  Ready to put my two cents out there.

In the spirit of Norway (see above), I decided to make something with fish and that turned out to be a very good thing.  I promise you will love these fish cakes.  If you love crab cakes, you will definitely love these.  They are more Cajun than Norwegian, but those guys need to get some spice in their life, I mean spice in their food.

Cajun-Spiced Fish Cakes


2 pounds Alaskan halibut fillets, poached and flaked (about 4 cups loosely packed) I think you coud use most types of mild, white fish or even salmon AND you could sear it  also (I poached mine the day before, and it was actually leftovers and refrigerated overnight – it made it easy to handle)

Option: 2/3 cup of chopped shrimp or langostino

2/3 cup unseasoned fine bread crumbs

4 tsp BonTon Seafood Spice by Jazz  

1-1/2 tsp dried chives or 1/3 cup chopped chives

1 tbsp chopped cilantro

1/2 tsp salt

1  cup Mayonnaise

1 large egg, beaten (or 2 small/medium)

4 tablespoons unsalted butter (or more if needed)

1 tbsp olive oil

Mache lettuce or mixed greens.


In a large bowl, combine the halibut, optional shrimp/langostino, bread crumbs, BonTon spice, salt, cayenne, chives, cilantro, mayonnaise, and egg.  Mix all together gently until crumbs are incorporated.  IMG_5690

Shape into about 3-inch patties about 3/4 inch thick.   Makes 9-10 patties. Refrigerate for 20 minutes.


In a large skillet, melt the butter and olive oil over medium-low heat . Add the cakes and cook until golden, 3-5 minutes per side.  Place two cakes on top of lettuce and a dollop of tartar sauce and serve.  I promise you these are really yummy and pretty darn simple too!


I had some jalapeno and horseradish tartar sauce that I didn’t love, so I used about half a cup of that and added about 2/3 cup mayo, a minced sweet pickle, a little lemon juice, a tsp or so of chopped cilantro, and a 1/4 tsp of salt.  Perfect for the fish cakes.  Your favorite tartar sauce should work just fine too, or a garlic aioli.

Well, that ought to be enough until next time!  I already need a vacation…where should we go?



Seared Scallops with Almond Oil 1024 768 Mari Bickmore

Seared Scallops with Almond Oil


We are in the midst of winter…cold and snow.  Hubby broke out the new snowblower yesterday and had a good time with his new toy.  I am tired of winter, but, then again, I’m tired of winter before it even starts.  I should live in a warmer climate.  But I’ve known that for a very long time.  I do tend to cook more, though, as I don’t get out as much.  I do have to say that these scallops are really, truly wonderful.  They will make you feel like you are eating out at a Michelin restaurant.

I also watch/read a lot of news.  For commentary look past the recipe.  More reasons to repatriate all Muslims to Islam-only countries.


1/4 cup roasted Marcona almonds (I couldn’t find them at my regular grocers, but did find at Costco)

6 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, divided

1-1/2 tablespoons (or more)  white wine vinegar

1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh chives

Kosher salt, freshly ground pepper

8 large sea scallops (about 9 oz.), side muscle removed

1 tablespoon unsalted butter

2-3 sprigs thyme

2 tablespoons peach preserves


1.  Roughly chop almonds into pieces.

2.  Stir preserves and 1/2 tsp water together in a small bowl and set aside.P1030445

3.  Mix almonds and 4 Tbsp. oil in a medium bowl. Whisk in 1-1/2 Tbsp. vinegar and chives; season vinaigrette with salt, pepper, and more vinegar, if desired.P1030444

4.  Heat 2 Tbsp. oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat.

5.  Season scallops with salt and pepper. Add to skillet. Cook until deep golden and caramelized, 2-3 minutes.P1030450

6.  Turn scallops over to sear the other side.  Immediately add butter and thyme. Frequently spoon butter over the scallops and cook until they are deep golden and just cooked through, 2-3 minutes longer.

6.  Smear 1 Tbsp. preserve mixture onto the center of two plates and top with 4 scallops each. Drizzle some vinaigrette over. Garnish with herbs or baby greens.P1030456

After capturing over 300 Christians in Syria a few days ago, the
Islamic State has begun executing them in the way of Muhammad.

Islam’s Latest Contributions to Peace“Mohammed is God’s apostle.  Those who follow him are harsh
to the unbelievers but merciful to one another”
  Quran 48:29
Note that this list is just for two days… Remember, you can find these atrocities every.

2015.02.27 (Mainok, Nigeria) – Islamist gunmen walk into a market and shoot fourteen traders to death.
2015.02.27 (Nangarhar, Afghanistan) – Two children are disassembled by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2015.02.26 (Jos, Nigeria) – A dozen students are among seventeen innocents shredded by Islamist bombers at a bus station.
2015.02.26 (Zaourararm, Niger) – Two villagers on a horse-driven car are taken out by Boko Haram bombers.
2015.02.26 (Biu, Nigeria) – Nineteen people, including several women, are reduced to pulp by a suicide bomber at a market.
2015.02.26 (Cairo, Egypt) – A person bleeds to death outside a pizzeria following a Religion of Peace bomb blast.
Gourmet Mac and Cheese Appetizer Muffins (Gluten Free!) 1024 768 Mari Bickmore

Gourmet Mac and Cheese Appetizer Muffins (Gluten Free!)

For the first time in several years I am playing Bunco again.  I only know one of the ladies, so it will be a great opportunity to meet some people.  Doesn’t hurt that I won….a whole $15!!!  Plus, I think it is going to a fun group.  I had to make an appetizer to bring with me, so I made some nice comfort food, namely macmac cheese muffins 11 and cheese.  These could be rolled into balls, chilled and fried, also.  You can’t tell this quinoa macaroni from the original, but there are alternatives such as brown rice macaroni.  I just like the quinoa better.  The muffins could actually be served either as a side dish or an appetizer, or a snack for your children.  You could definitely use this recipe for a pan of mac and cheese too.


1 tablespoon melted butter, plus more for baking dishes
1/4 cup seasoned breadcrumbs
8 ounces grated sharp Cheddar cheese
4 ounces grated Fontina
4 ounces shredded Parmesan, plus 1/4 cup for topping
8 ounces elbow macaroni
1 1/4 cups whole milk (or for creamier use half of whipping cream and half of water)
8 ounces cream cheese, cut into cubes.
1/4 tsp salt
1/8 tsp cayenne
1/8 tsp nutmeg

1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
2. Butter two muffin tins for a dozen muffins each.
3. In a small bowl, stir together 1 tablespoon melted butter with breadcrumbs and 1/4 cup shredded Parmesan and set aside.

4. Cook macaroni until al dente, In a large pot of boiling salted water, according to package instructions; drain.

mac cheese muffins 3mac cheese muffins 4
5. In a large saucepan over medium heat, bring milk to a boil. Reduce heat to medium-low; add cubed cream cheese and stir until melted, about 2 minutes.

mac cheese muffins 2mac cheese 6
6. Gradually stir in remaining cheeses until melted, about 5 minutes.

mac cheese muffins 5mac cheese muffins 1
7. Add cooked pasta, 1/4 teaspoon salt, 1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper; and nutmeg and stir to combine.

mac cheese muffins 7
8. Divide the mixture into muffins tins and bake until bubbling, about 8 minutes. Remove from the oven; sprinkle with the breadcrumb mixture. Bake until golden, about 8 minutes more.

mac cheese muffins 11mac cheese muffins 8

Commentary: Islam’s atrocities for the past few days..

2015.02.05 (Damascus, Syria) – The Army of Islam sends rockets into mainly Christian neighborhoods, killing ten residents.
2015.02.04 (Beni, DRC) – Seven women are among twenty-one villagers hacked to death by ADF-NALU.
2015.02.03 (Mabrook, Libya) – Islamists storm an oilfield and slit the throats of thirteen employees.
2015.02.03 (Raqqa, Syria) – The caliphate releases a video showing a captured Jordanian pilot being burned alive in a cage.
2015.02.03 (Alexandria, Egypt) – A civilian is killed – and a child injured – by an Islamist bomb at a checkpoint.
2015.02.02 (Raqqa, Syria) – Another gay man is thrown from a building by Sharia activists.
Herbed Roast Chicken (Super Easy One-Pan Dinner!) 1024 696 Mari Bickmore

Herbed Roast Chicken (Super Easy One-Pan Dinner!)

Snow day!  Just enough to look pretty and not cause much trouble, but it is cold.  I hope it is really cold all next week, as I won’t be here to enjoy it. I went out before the snow this morning to get my windshield chick olives 7replaced as it has a crack longer than a dollar bill. However, when I got there they did not have the OEM windshield I was promised, and the one they wanted to put in had a scratch, so I went halfway across town for nothing.

Just got through watching the news….those muzzies are at it again.  Burning someone ALIVE.  Disgusting.  Surprised?  No?!  Me either.  Also, I saw that a bunch of celebrities are boycotting the Dorchester Group Hotels, which includes the Beverly Hills Hotel, Hotel Bel-Air and eight others.  It is owned by the sultan of Brunei.  I usually think celebrities have no business saying anything about politics, and that is still the case.  This is not really politics…and this time they are right.  Nobody should stay at one of these hotels.  This guy is a tool and in 2014 he instituted a strict Sharia penal code in Brunei.  Women are basically worthless and the LGBT community gets it worse… and he is pretty much exempt from it.  Needless to say, if you believe in human rights, then you are SOL.  Pretty much Islam in a nutshell.  Okay, there is my side dish of commentary for today.

I had a busy day so I wanted to make something really easy for dinner, and I’ve been wanting to try this recipe. Perfect to just put in the oven, sit back and enjoy the aroma.  It is from Bon Appetit with a few minor changes.  It was so flavorful and tender, and wish I had put more olives on my plate.  Definitely a keeper.  When I make it again I am going to chop carrots and roast with it, so I don’t have to make anything else on the side. I roasted broccoli this time and it was great, but you really don’t have to make anything extra.  It was easy and I can’t wait for leftovers tomorrow night.  A fairly healthy meal so I’m feeling pretty good!


  • 1 large bay leaf or 2 small
  • 1 teaspoon fennel seeds
  • ½ teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
  • pound fingerling potatoes, halved
  • 3/4 cup pitted Kalamata olives 
  • 4 tablespoons olive oil, divided
  • 1 tsp Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • 4 chicken leg quarters
  • 1/4  cup fresh flat-leaf parsley leaves, chopped
  • 1 teaspoon finely grated lemon zest


  • Preheat oven to 450°.
  • Pulse bay leaf, fennel seeds, and ½ tsp. red pepper flakes in spice mill until finely ground.
  • chick olives 1chick olives 2
  • Toss potatoes with olives, 2 Tbsp olive oil, half of spice mixture, salt and pepper in a large bowl.
  • Place chicken on a rimmed baking sheet and rub with remaining 2 Tbsp. oil; sprinkle with salt and pepper and rub with remaining spice mixture.
  • Place the potato mixture around chicken and roast until potatoes are fork-tender, chicken is cooked through, and skin is crisp, 45-55 minutes.
  • chick olives 3
  • Top the chicken and potato mixture with parsley, lemon zest,(and more red pepper flakes, if desired); spoon pan juices around.

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  • chick olives 4chick olives 5chick olives 8
Warm and Gooey Butter Cake….yummmmm! 1024 768 Mari Bickmore

Warm and Gooey Butter Cake….yummmmm!

Omigosh!  We are having a glorious few days of 60- to 70-degree weather in January!  Last year was my first year here and we had an unrelenting winter.  Not only was it unrelentingly cold and miserable, it butter cake 5lasted forever.  Today was around 70 degrees and I did my errands in sandals just to make the most of it.  I think after this I will go out on the porch and read while there is still sunlight.

In a little over a week we are going to Vegas…hubbie work…me play.  I am hoping the weather there will be great too, because I think we will be back into winter here.  Not only great weather, but every year I look forward to two things:  Shopping and Fine Dining!  This year I had finally talked the hubs into taking me to L’Atelier de Joel Robuchon, but I waited too late.  No reservations left.  The next two choices were also booked.  SAD!  There are soooo many great places to eat there that, of course, we still ended up getting reservations for fabulous food.   Last year when we were there, we ate at Mastro’s Ocean Club, one of my favorite meals while we were there.  Every course was great.  If you go, save room for dessert.  My favorites were the chocolate pudding cake and their signature dessert, which is a warm butter cake.  Since I have been subjected to looking for places to eat in Vegas, I developed a yen for the dessert we had at Mastro’s.  We don’t have a location here, so I decided to try it for myself.  I think this is really close.  I used the gluten-free flour that I love (link on the side) and am always worried that the recipe will fail, but it never does.  You really cannot tell the difference from this gluten-free flour and all-purpose flour.  I made it for a couple of ladies, and it was a hit!  Yummmmmm !  I think these would make an excellent Valentine’s Day treat, especially with red berries.


  • Cake Batter
    2 cups (4 sticks) unsalted butter, room temperature
    4 ounces cream cheese, room temperature
    2 cups granulated sugar or Baker’s sugar
    2 large eggs, room temperature
    1/2 teaspoon sea salt
    1 1/2 cups gluten-free flour (or all-purpose flour)
    1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract

Cream Cheese Layer

  • 4 ounces cream cheese, room temperature
    1 egg, room temperature
    1/3 cup granulated sugar
    1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract


1.  Preheat oven to 325.

2.  Spray five 500 mL (5-1/2 inch diameter) ramekins with baking spray.  (this is the size they use where I had it.  You could also use mini springform pans, or if you want smaller cakes you could use 8 ounce ramekins).

3.  Prepare the cake batter

In a stand mixer cream butter, cream cheese, and sugar for 1-2 minutes. Add eggs one at a time and beat on low for 20 seconds after each addition. Whisk flour and salt, then add to creamed mixture. Beat on low until just incorporated, making sure not to over beat.

4.  Prepare the cream cheese layer

In a small bowl whip together cream cheese and granulated sugar until creamed, add egg and vanilla extract.

5.  Pour cake batter evenly divided into prepared pans and then top with a layer of the cream cheese mixture.butter cake 11

6.  Bake for 60 – 75 minutes, or until tops are golden brown and a toothpick comes out clean when inserted into the center of the cakes.  Do not overcook though.


I let them sit for about 10 minutes, as I was serving them right then.  I then used a knife to slightly loosen around the edges.  Then take a plate or saucer, center on the ramekin and invert.  The cakes came easily out of the pans.  You can make the cakes a day ahead. When ready to serve microwave until hot approx 30-40 seconds on 80% power.  If you like, you can use a kitchen blow torch to brûlée the top and sides of the cake to caramelize the sugar crystals.  Mastro’s drizzles with a raspberry coulis and a scoop of vanilla ice cream (and a bowl of whipped cream on the side), garnished with berries.  I made a simple strawberry puree and also some stabilized whipped cream.

butter cake 4butter cake 7

Xylitol: A Messy, Failed Experiment 179 282 Mari Bickmore

Xylitol: A Messy, Failed Experiment

With the latest reports on how truly bad sugar is for you, and knowing that high fructose corn syrup is even worse, I was on the search for an alternative sweetener that I can cook with and use for a beverage xulitolsweetener.  Something with a low glycemic index and is natural.  I did some light research and went to my Natural Grocer and bought Xylitol (which was touted as natural) and some coconut palm sugar.  I started with the Xylitol.  You can read what says about it…sounds great!

Yesterday I had some lemon left over from a salad dressing I was making, just enough to make about half a glass of lemonade.  Light bulb!  I will try my Xylitol in the lemonade.  Success!  At least I thought.  I truly just had maybe a 1/4 cup of it.  Tasted good, although a bit difficult to dissolve.  Very shortly afterwards I started to have a rumbly tummy.  I remembered reading on the back of the package that diarrhea was a side effect of the product, but thought that it couldn’t happen that soon.  Soon afterwards I had two fairly severe episodes of diarrhea, but still didn’t want to believe that was what caused it.

Move over to today.  I wanted to try the lemonade again to see if the Xylitol worked on a 1:1 measure with sugar. So I made a half gallon pitcher of it.   FYI, it does work that way. The lemonade was good.  I thought it was a miracle, but that didn’t last long.  Shortly after I drank a bit of it the rumbles started again, and then …well you know what happened next.  I don’t think it is a healthy cleanse.  So I got back on my laptop, laying on the couch feeling a bit yucky, and dug a little deeper.  What I found wasn’t very nice. I will continue to try out new options for sweeteners, but will do a little deeper research beforehand.  I am sure everyone will not have the same issues that I did, but buh-bye to this one for me.  Here are a few of the links that I found for xylitol….and you can thank me for being the human guinea pig later.


Casual blog, but quotes an organic chemist saying: “Xylitol will rip up your insides, namely the digestive tract.”  http://www.crunchybe…ling-it-natural

This one says it’s processed with heavy metals (a powdered nickel-aluminum alloy):  ttp://www.thehealth…acked-up-to-be/

I’m Just a Strawberry Fool 1024 798 Mari Bickmore

I’m Just a Strawberry Fool

In case you haven’t looked your calendar, Valentine’s Day is coming up.  I will be out of town for the holiday, so I am going to focus on lovely things to cook for Valentine’s Day until I leave.  strawberry fool 2That means I get to eat those lovely things until then also!  Please don’t read my New Year’s Resolutions.  Hey, I’ve been doing pretty good.  I will just use good portion control…or at least I will try.

On a positive note, I am feeling much better!  Still watching the Australian Open, but not just lazing on the couch.  Nadal is winning, so is Sharapova.  Federer is out.  Not that you’re interested.

I am stressed out though.  I have to do a presentation on Career Day at a middle school this coming Tuesday for Interior Design.  I really do  not like doing those types of things, and for the life of me can’t remember why I agreed to do this.  Four sessions, 25 minutes each.  Any volunteers?

Back to VD treats!  What’s not to like when it has strawberries and cream?  Especially when it’s so QUICK AND EASY!  Don’t even have to bake it.  Please don’t leave off the crushed ladyfingers, they add that crunchy texture that plays off the cream.  I think it would be lovely served in stems, like a martini glass.  I had children to serve, so it didn’t seem like a smart thing to do at the time.  Truly, this is delish and yummy, and so easy to boot.

Strawberry Fool


  • 2 cups chopped, hulled fresh strawberries (about 8 oz.) plus 6 whole berries for garnish
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 2 cups chilled heavy whipping cream
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1/2 cup  Strawberry preserves
  •  3 crisp ladyfingers (savoiardi, crushed


1.  Place chopped strawberries in a small bowl. Sprinkle sugar over and let sit, stirring occasionally, until juices are released and sugar is dissolved.

2.  Beat cream and vanilla in a large bowl until soft peaks form.

3.  Add  preserves; fold to blend.

4.  Add berries with juices; fold almost to blend.

5.  Divide among bowls. Sprinkle crushed ladyfingers over.strawberry fool 3

Garnish with whole berries or save a few larger chopped ones out for garnish.

Inspiration for this came from a recipe from Bon Appetit that I had saved for some time and just decided to play with.