Mari Bickmore Design | Having a Blast In Interior Design and Staging


So 2020…What a B!+c# 860 460 Mari Bickmore

So 2020…What a B!+c#

Hey there, so how’re ya’ll doing? I haven’t had anything to write about, because there is absolutely nothing going on in the world right now….uh, maybe that’s not entirely correct. So what’re your thoughts on 2020 so far? I read that there were asteroids heading toward earth but that they are going to miss us. I wonder if they’ve calculated 2020 into their equations yet? I refuse to say “well what else can happen.” Does it count that I wrote it?! I hope that in the future when they invent time travel, they purposely program it never to go to this year. Reminds me of a piece out of Ghostbusters:
This city is headed for a disaster of biblical proportions.
What do you mean, “biblical”?
What he means is Old Testament, Mr. Mayor, real wrath of God type stuff.
Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling!
Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes…
The dead rising from the grave!
Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together… mass hysteria!

But coming to the point – I do hope that we, as an entire nation, work most diligently toward equality and being color blind. Everyone should be free to live without fear or discrimination, to be able make the choices best for them in their lives without having to ever think of that. If they have to protest I’m here to stand with them; however, to riot…destroying or defacing public or private property or harming anyone does no one any good and actually harms the cause and should be stopped wherever it is happening. Those who are suffering the greatest losses right now had nothing whatsoever to do with the horrid death of George Floyd. I do wish I knew what would magically, overnight, change all of that! I think we all do.

However, no one is ever going to be economically equal. Not only are we all born into different families (we were barely middle class, though I didn’t realize it at the time), we are born with very different talents and aspirations. So those who study hard, work hard, and strive are going to be more successful than others, as it should be. So I’m not saying the government should make us all economically equal…far from it. But no matter what your race or gender, you should be able to make what you want of yourself here in this day and age, in this country. And you shouldn’t have to fear being out at night because of the police or anyone, any more than anyone else fears being out, ‘cause there are places I wouldn’t go at night…or in the day…I’m just saying. You get my meaning–Equality. I like this quote by Obama (not my favorite person but he can certainly give a speech), “This is a moment, and we have had moments like this before where people are paying attention. And that doesn’t mean that everything will get solved, so don’t get disheartened, because this is a marathon, not a sprint. But the fact that people are paying attention provides an opportunity to educate, activate, mobilize and act,” Obama said. “And I hope we are able to seize this moment.”

Again I didn’t talk about design, but right now, today, this seems to be the most important topic to discuss, and I didn’t do it justice. Love you all!