Mari Bickmore Design | Having a Blast In Interior Design and Staging

Celebrating 4th of July In France – We Did What We Could! 1024 927 Mari Bickmore

Celebrating 4th of July In France – We Did What We Could!

It sounds so good, I’ll say it again – Woke up in Deauville, but this time Saturday morning and a cool front had blown in overnight! No beach

Sweet Little Store

today. However, Deauville, being an upscale spa town, it had plenty of upscale shopping. Since it is the time of Soldes (sales) in France, we went downtown and shopped. For an example, they had Au Printemps, Louis, Maje, etc. Didn’t find any great deals and were very hungry since we somehow missed breakfast and were just a breath away from passing out because of a huge drop in blood sugar. Well, that was my story. Glorious – a morning town market! We found local pear juice, cherries, and absolutely the best loaf of brioche that ever touched my lips.


Omaha Beach Monument

We then packed it up and drove to Port-en-Bessin near Omaha Beach. Got in early afternoon and made it to the Musee D-Day. Quite interesting. Saw a short film on Operation Overlord and items from the war and bought an American Flag for the cemetery tomorrow. Then we headed for the beach just down the road with the yummy Brioche from the morning’s market in Deauville. There was a huge monument for the Liberation up on the seawall and a fairly new, very large commemorative piece of sculpture down on the beach. Just sat on the seawall and ate and talked and ate and watched people play and fly kites and totally finished off the brioche. I am still salivating in remembrance.

The water there seemed a little chillier than the day before, I am assuming due to the cold front, but we still walked the shoreline a bit. As we were leaving a woman asked me if I thought the monument was pretty and if I was English. After a short time of conversation, I knew my French was going to run out,, but the other woman with her starting speaking English to me, although chastising me for not trying to speak more French. But we all got into a conversation. The French are actually very nice if you are nice. I figure the people who say they are rude have an attitude that is reciprocated, except for the crepe lady near Les Puces in Paris; but that is another trip and another story entirely.

My Footprint on Omaha Beach

Fleur de Sel

In any event, after the lengthy conversation, one of the ladies asked if we ever played Boules. I have read about this game in books. It is apparently a national pastime, particularly in the small towns. I will not explain the rules or how to play; you can easily look it up if you are interested. She went to her car and got her boules balls, and Amanda, her friend, Martine, and I played. Guess who won?!?! YEA ME! Beginner’s luck I guess. It was a lovely afternoon hanging with the locals. That is one of the best slices of life you can have. We didn’t get back to the room until 8:30, but headed directly for the restaurant. We weren’t going to miss another meal with pizza in the room. We went to Fleur de Sel in Port-en-Bessin, which was highly recommended and had a Michelin rating; however, I am not sure I agree. The main course was good; but the rest was just okay. Luckily, just moderately priced. But comfortably full and definitely tired, back to a comfy bed at the Ibis (great prices) and free parking wifi!!! Off to dreamland.

It is the 4th of July! We went to the American Cemetery overlooking Omaha Beach. It is absolutely breathtaking. I had to reflect on what the world might have been like had these brave young men had not liberated the world from a monster. Looking out on the sea of crosses and stars, one cannot help but be greatly moved.  We found an unknown soldier’s grave and planted our American flag in his honor.  Again, the day was glorious with big blue skies and we were proud to be Americans (sans Obama). Onward to Utah Beach and the last stop on our 4th of July journey to honor America’s finest. They knew how to fight a war to win it!

A sea of crosses

All in all, we wish we had stayed a month in Paris and left for the second month to explore . All the smaller towns are so beautiful and, as always, is the countryside of France. Especially after having to drive back to Paris. Never. Let me repeat. Never. Ever. Drive back into Paris on a Sunday afternoon. A 3-hour drive became a 6-hour drive and I missed turning my car in that day because they closed at 8 p.m. and we got back at 9:15. Another day, another dollar (more likely another $100).

But it was the 4th and we hit the Metro and landed at Hard Rock Café for an All-American burger and fries to celebrate with a bunch of other displaced Americans. It was loud and really red, white and blue! Life is good.

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  • Karla

    Mari & Amanda…What a wonderful way to celebrate our Independence Day! I almost felt as if I were with you due to your fabulous description. At this point, Paris feels very far away. I can’t believe you’re still in France. Lucky you!

  • David Navarre

    Port-en-Bessin is one of my favorite villages in France. Especially wonderful is the Sunday market (and free samples of Calvados). A few door over from Fluer de Sel is La Marie du Port, which we absolutely love. Thanks for sharing so I could feel like I was back in France for a few minutes.

    • motherconfessor

      It feels so long ago, does last summer. Thanks for commenting and making me re-read my post. Made me feel like I was back in France for a few minutes, too. We actually were there for the Sunday market also and I can still smell the paella! I’m trying to remember, isn’t this the town with a million and one shells on the beach?

  • David Navarre

    If you walk down to the water in “downtown” Port-en-Bessin, there is a concrete boat ramp you can use to put your own boat in the water (when we were there around the 65th anniversary of D-Day, someone had a “Duck” they might have been trying to traverse the streets down to the water – no sure as it was facing the opposite way, but maybe).

    So, you would have had to go east or west from the “built-up” area, which I haven’t done in Port-en-Bessin. More likely, that was near Deauville, but I haven’t been there either! (Yes, I have lots of travel to do!)

    The paella and the cheese and all that fresh food are just amazing. That’s why we now always rent a house when we go, so we can have a kitchen and refrigerator (and a place to put a case of wine!)

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