Mari Bickmore Design | Having a Blast In Interior Design and Staging


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Quaratine Can be Dangerous

Day 432 of my quarantine. Oops, got that wrong again. Heck, I don’t even know what day of the week it is. I thought it was Saturday all day on Thursday, but I think it really is Saturday now. Wait…I’m not quarantined anymore, but I don’t even think I hated quarantine…am I not supposed to say that?

What new things did you do during quarantine? Well, I should really ask, are you still quarantined? I think some places still are. The first few weeks I did a lot of things: reading, playing the piano, painting, and genealogy. That was the first few days anyway. Then, since it was almost spring, I took advantage and did some deep spring cleaning (hahaha…as if I do spring cleaning every year). As if. I tried to have projects everyday. We just moved into this house at the end of August. Then I was gone all of September, most of October into November, and then there were the holidays, so all those boxes that I just unpacked and put the contents somewhere I thought they should be…sort of willy-nilly…actually got put where they should go. My husband is super weird and wants all those moving boxes unpacked and taken away pretty much immediately. So it seems like you have a lot done, but in the end you just have to organize it twice.

So the first project I had was to organize the pantry. I got a little kick in the butt to do that first, as my children had gone together and given me some organizational items for the pantry for Christmas. Is that like getting a vacuum cleaner as a gift? In any event, I must’ve ordered more bins, food storage containers, and spice jars, etc., from Amazon; Bed, Bath and Beyond; and the the Container Store a dozen times, just ordered three more, but now I’m just about done…still waiting for my last order to arrive.

Then I started working on sorting my huge boxes of photos, at which time I whacked my head on the lowered ceiling under the stairs and received a pinched nerve/bulging disk in my C-spine. I still haven’t figured out how I could have hit my head that hard! May I tell you that pain is more than excruciating. For the first two weeks I just tried to find a position that would alleviate some of the pain. I gained a whole new understanding and empathy for those who have chronic pain. By day 22, although I still had residual pain and two fingers on my left hand were numb, I was able to do some small things, albeit on medication, and started working on some client’s projects thank goodness. Had an MRI which wasn’t so good, so I had to get a C6-7 spinal injection. What fun! Top that off with my mother-in-law passing away (not from coronavirus) and slicing a bit of flesh off my thumb with a mandoline (and leaving the bandage on too long so it stuck to the wound). Suffice it to say January and February were just as bad, so 2020 can just….

In any event, that was 3-1/2 weeks ago and and you can imagine how immensely grateful and blessed I feel that I was able to start playing tennis again this past Monday. I’ve been able to stay on top of design projects, even though providers are not working or working more than before, or hard to get in touch with, which has been an issue and still is. Life goes on and I hope that we get back to normal soon, even if has to be a new normal for a little while.

No exciting photos this time, but nothing exciting happened. Certainly didn’t get anyone to take a photo of me when they were sticking needles in my neck, or during the worst of the pain. So…this is what you get. It doesn’t look like an ad for pantry containers, because this is a real, working pantry and everything is not all the same color.

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It’s A New Year!

…as if you didn’t know–but who’s still writing 2016?

I was thinking about resolutions again, so I looked back at a post from New Years two years ago and still have a lot of work to do on those resolutions, namely:

1. Try not to waste so much time; i.e. watching too much TV, spending too much time looking at random things on the internet.
2. Focus on learning, expanding my base of knowledge, self-improvement; i.e. really learning a second language, scripture study and spirituality, take new design classes, or find an entirely new business to try.
3. Make a bucket list and start marking them off; even things that seem unrealistic. Go big or go home, know what I mean?!?! Someone told me that dividing it into categories, such as weekend-type items, week-long items, month-long items, etc. might make the list easier to use.
4. Try to have a healthier lifestyle; i.e. eating, exercise, work hard with physical therapy to get my gimpy foot healed enough to jump back into tennis.
5. Work at relationships; expand my circle of friends, let my family know how much I love them all the time. As an aside to this, I want to perform some type of service for random people as often as possible…I am not great at thinking about this, so it will be a definite process for me. I know “pay it forward” is an old cliche now, but that probably sums it up.

I told my daughter yesterday that I was just going to try to do something constructive every single day.  There are so many options that I should at least be able to do that.  I’m thinking that just getting my to-do list done for the day is something constructive!   I started painting a few months ago for the first time in my life, after years of wanting to try it, and it is my obsession right now, so working on a painting would be constructive.  Here’s what I’ve done so far over the past few months…so you see I’m just a beginner; therefore, taking some art classes would be constructive.

Helping someone, working out, making a new recipe…anything from the above list.  See how easy that is going to be?  I’m fooling myself, right?  Maybe I should revisit this philosopy at the beginning of each month and see how I’m doing.  Onward and Upward!  I wish I had had this mindset years ago.

Right now I’m doing something constructive everyday just by helping to take care of my new grandson and my daughter.  He just gets cuter everyday!

But that will end before I know it and I’ll be back in the real world.

My oldest granddaughter just turned SEVEN this week.  I can’t believe she is that old! I soooo wish I could have been with her on her birthday!  Right now I believe she loves me and likes to spend time with me…but how many more years do I have with her like that?  or with her younger sister?  They are are the apples of my eye are more beautiful and amazing everyday. And they all live so far away.  THANK GOODNESS for FaceTime!


Obviously I need to make sure to contact all of my family often.  I also need to try doing things that are out of my comfort zone.  I will work on figuring that out.

Just get out there and live and do good!

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Gram Camp Days 1-3

Before I delve back into the joys (and pitfalls) of renovation, I am going to recount my successes and failures of Gram Camp (grandmother/father camp…mostly mother) for my only two, fabulous granddaughters (ages 3 and 6).  They are the apples of my eye, my joie de vivre, my angels.  I have spent several months planning the agenda for this, my first foray into a planned agenda for these little tykes.  Even with my experience raising four children, I went into this thinking my spreadsheet would be followed  meticulously to perfection.  Elaborate breakfast at 8:30.  Activity from 10-12.  Lunch 12-1.  Activity 1:30-3:30.  Snack 3:30.  Downtime.  Dinner at 6:30 with cooking lessons at each meal and snack. Followed perfectly every. single. day.  Bwahahahaha!

Some things did go on schedule–I picked them up from the airport on time!   This was on a Tuesday, and they had just gotten back from 6 weeks in Japan that previous Sunday, so there was some jet lag going on, but that didn’t stop them too much, but did take a couple of days to get back on a sleeping schedule.  With all the planning that I did, I still didn’t have lunch ready for them coming in from the airport, so we stopped at Burgerocity in Folsom, CA, on the way home because it had such high ratings. Just a head’s up, for the price just go to In-and-Out.  Not much difference.  Okay, okay, for those of you burger afficianados, Burgerocity does use 100% Hereford and has more choices, but still…

Another head’s up, on the first day of Gram Camp take it easy.  Pool time.

Making homemade popsicles and homemade gummy bears to be ready later.

Easy cooking lesson for dinner…prefab flatbread and pizza toppings.  Easy stuff.


Day Two:  This is really day one, but who’s counting.  Still thinking of perfection, I get up before everyone else and make strawberry and banana cars for breakfast (and add cereal to the menu because one of them doesn’t like bananas and it just isn’t enough).


Already going off schedule on the first full day,  we decide to go to the water park.  Wanting to leave early so that we can be there when it opens at 10 a.m., I get everything together.  Sunscreen–check, towels–check, swim shoes–check.  However, my older granddaughter just sleeps and sleeps, and who can wake her since she is still on Japan time…but when it is edging past 10:30 we drag her out of bed.  Arriving to the park at just before noon, there is not a single parking place to be had anywhere and it is crowded, so we ditch the water park.  Since my nephew’s wife just had a baby yesterday (several weeks early), we decide to buy flowers and a treat and drop by the hospital.  This buying process takes a few hours, as those kinds of things can do, because we have to go to several places to find the right thing.  Ends up the places we finally buy at were in a couple of blocks from the water park where we started out…so is the hospital.   Go figure.  Nothing gets done off my list, except for breakfast and dinner–Nothing.   Girls get to spend time with their grandpa in the pool in the evening…so all is well.   They are still the best granddaughters in the entire universe.

Day Three:  Still maintaining that we are going to get back on track, I get up early and make grape caterpillars and an orange slice bird for breakfast.  Go me!

We are now going to make a tic-tac-toe board with painted rocks for the X’s and O’s!  My plan now is to find rocks in the upper back yard where there is a drainage bed for when it rains (which is only in the winter.  Ever.  Not a drop from May-November…now how weird is that).  Anyway, I am envisioning finding these nice, smooth, oval river rocks (maybe I should have taken a look back there prior to this plan).  What we find is far from that, as you will see in the photos.  My plan is to have them paint cute little lady bugs and tadpoles on these rocks to use for tic-tac-toe.  You know really pretty, crafty things.  What I didn’t remember was that a 3-year-old and a 6-year-old would be doing the painting, and that they would have their own vision.

My vision vs reality:


But the fun they had painting them and the fun they had playing the game they had personally made far outweighed the vision.

We break for lunch and popsicles.


For the rest of the afternoon I had planned on playing a beanbag game with hula hoops that just doesn’t happen (hula hoops are still in the box these many weeks later, as are the beanbags).  Might in interject here that I had a very long list of items to order that I wanted to use.  At about two weeks out from “camp” day 1, I made a plan to go shopping for these items.  That really didn’t sound very appealing to me, running around hither and yon to procure those things in the heat (not to mention not knowing where to go), so I spent an  evening ordering everything from Amazon, from soap-making items to the hula hoops to molds for the gummi bears.  Now I know why people get hooked on the shopping channel, getting all those boxes delivered to my doorstep was so exciting!

Back to Day Three, no beanbag game, just a little more downtime for me and their mom, and a little TV babysitting for the girls, and a great dinner of pureed cauliflower, zucchini fritters and corn on the cob.  Girls loved it.  I LOVE the pureed cauliflower and most always make it instead of potatoes now.  It is just YUMMY!  Make sure to think of healthy dinners and lunches, because you are going to have some not so healthy ones too.  If you want recipes for those things, just send a note.  The pureed caulifower looks just like mashed potatoes and so the kids never know the difference and the fritters were just yummy.   Then I got to watch Ever After High (oh boy!) before bed…every night.   These girls are full of life and energy…a  lot more energy than I have.  I don’t know what I would have done without their Mom here to help!  Hint:  Get help for your camp!





So we are now September 12, the day after 9/11.  As all people do, I remember that day very well.  Funny how major catastrophes indelibly print those days in your memory.   I won’t go into the day’s minutiae for you, but I will say that I thought we, as a country, would prepare itself for the Islamic crap that was to follow.  We didn’t.  We elected a (p)resident whose middle name is Hussain and who spent his early years in an Islamic country and who is the biggest Islamapologist there is.  Political correctness is now rampant, which leads to loss of freedom of speech, which is part of what America’s greatness comes from.  Heck, we have a bill introduced into Congress, H.Res 569, that would protect Islam from hateful rhetoric, among other things.  What a load of Malarkey!  Everyone who reads this should call or write their reps to kill this NOW.  All over the world.  Every. Single. Day. an atrocity is committed in the name of Islam, and the Western governments continue to let them invade our countries and commit those atrocities in our countries.  Our governments should be tried for treason.  Okay, that’s what I’m thinking about 9/11.  Instead of protecting us more, they are importing the terror in the form of “refugees.”  Refugees my !@*)!@.   Merkel, especially, should be hanged, drawn, and quartered, after a trial, of course.

On another noted, if you think that Hillary’s medical issues are something like “walking pneumonia,” then you’re part of the problem.  It is obviously much more serious than that.  And if you think her doctor tells you the truth, then you probably think Hillary tells the truth also !  HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

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Don’t you hate excuses!?!?!  Well I’ve got a list for you.  I haven’t posted in ages and ages, BUT I have been otherwise engaged.  Let’s start back in March.  I spent March and April living with a family with an illness.  That is not a complaint.  I love them more than I can say and it was a blessing for me to be able to do that.  I wish beyond wishes that the need hadn’t been there, but to be able share the time with them was priceless.  Towards the end of that stay, I got the call that I had been expecting for about a year.  I didn’t answer the number the first time it rang because I knew when that number came up what it was going to be.  My biological father had passed away.  We hadn’t been particularly close, but death as a way of changing your perspective on that.  In point of fact, we had been estranged for many years.  But that is a story for another day.  I did make the decision to leave where I was and attend the funeral in Houston.  Luckily, another family member was due to arrive very soon to stay where I had been.  During the time I was away from home, we found that we were going to take a new job and move from the Midwest to the West Coast, Northern California to be precise.  So began a series of trips to look at our new surroundings and shop for a home, and back to our home to pack my car and drive out leaving most of our possessions in a house that was for sale…a house that we had just finished building in July 2014…a house that I loved.  In all our searching, we never found a house that we loved in our new town, but we did buy a house.  We closed on a Monday and left that Friday for a 2-1/2 week vacation; a few days in Amsterdam and a 2-week cruise on Celebrity to Scandinavia and Russia, and a throw back to early June when I had a ____ year high school reunion back in Houston for a long weekend (great time, wonderful people)…and then in Vegas in late June to attend my nephew’s wedding (Joejoe Diggs), along with my daughter, Amanda, and her husband, Bradley.  I got to see my bestest niece and nephew and their Mom!  They are so great!  All that traveling, especially the cruise, have added an ugly 10 pounds that I have got to shed.  In any event, it’s been a very full year so far and not likely to let down.

We are now in the midst of a huge renovation to make that house we bought a house we will love.  The people who lived in this house for the past 13 years did not have the word “maintenance” in their vocabulary.  The air conditioner filter had about 1/2 inch of lint on them when we replaced them.  The spa leaks, which they did not disclose, so that will be an entry for another day.  There were a couple of other nondisclosed items, but they don’t make me as mad as the spa does.   We’ll see how than story pans out.  We are in the middle of painting all the cabinetry and walls and trim, etc.  We completely deconstructed a wall in the living and that is almost finished reconstructing.   Darned if I don’t have to leave in the middle of this to go to London for an interior design job.  This may be the only time in my entire life that I am not biting at the bit to leave for a trip like that, but being in the middle of this makes it difficult.  I’ll just end with a few before pictures and early reno pictures.  I can’t wait to get back to cooking and food pix!  Oh, and there is an election year coming up.  That should be fun!  And right now I won’t get started on the Muslim invasion that is taking place, forever changing the face of Europe negatively.  I’m glad I’ve been able to travel there prior to this, although it had been getting worse over these past few years due to a smaller version of the same thing.

This post seems like such a short one when I think of all the things that have happened this year!IMG_2640_2 IMG_2638_2 IMG_2609_2 IMG_2608_2 IMG_2607_2 IMG_2604 IMG_2603  IMG_0759_2 IMG_0757_2 IMG_0753 IMG_0751_2 IMG_0750_2 IMG_0749_2 IMG_0746_2 IMG_0745_2 IMG_0744_2 IMG_0743_2 IMG_0740_2 IMG_0739_2 IMG_0738_2 IMG_0737_2 IMG_0735_2 IMG_0731_2