Mari Bickmore Design | Having a Blast In Interior Design and Staging

It’s A New Year! 768 1024 Mari Bickmore

It’s A New Year!

…as if you didn’t know–but who’s still writing 2016?

I was thinking about resolutions again, so I looked back at a post from New Years two years ago and still have a lot of work to do on those resolutions, namely:

1. Try not to waste so much time; i.e. watching too much TV, spending too much time looking at random things on the internet.
2. Focus on learning, expanding my base of knowledge, self-improvement; i.e. really learning a second language, scripture study and spirituality, take new design classes, or find an entirely new business to try.
3. Make a bucket list and start marking them off; even things that seem unrealistic. Go big or go home, know what I mean?!?! Someone told me that dividing it into categories, such as weekend-type items, week-long items, month-long items, etc. might make the list easier to use.
4. Try to have a healthier lifestyle; i.e. eating, exercise, work hard with physical therapy to get my gimpy foot healed enough to jump back into tennis.
5. Work at relationships; expand my circle of friends, let my family know how much I love them all the time. As an aside to this, I want to perform some type of service for random people as often as possible…I am not great at thinking about this, so it will be a definite process for me. I know “pay it forward” is an old cliche now, but that probably sums it up.

I told my daughter yesterday that I was just going to try to do something constructive every single day.  There are so many options that I should at least be able to do that.  I’m thinking that just getting my to-do list done for the day is something constructive!   I started painting a few months ago for the first time in my life, after years of wanting to try it, and it is my obsession right now, so working on a painting would be constructive.  Here’s what I’ve done so far over the past few months…so you see I’m just a beginner; therefore, taking some art classes would be constructive.

Helping someone, working out, making a new recipe…anything from the above list.  See how easy that is going to be?  I’m fooling myself, right?  Maybe I should revisit this philosopy at the beginning of each month and see how I’m doing.  Onward and Upward!  I wish I had had this mindset years ago.

Right now I’m doing something constructive everyday just by helping to take care of my new grandson and my daughter.  He just gets cuter everyday!

But that will end before I know it and I’ll be back in the real world.

My oldest granddaughter just turned SEVEN this week.  I can’t believe she is that old! I soooo wish I could have been with her on her birthday!  Right now I believe she loves me and likes to spend time with me…but how many more years do I have with her like that?  or with her younger sister?  They are are the apples of my eye are more beautiful and amazing everyday. And they all live so far away.  THANK GOODNESS for FaceTime!


Obviously I need to make sure to contact all of my family often.  I also need to try doing things that are out of my comfort zone.  I will work on figuring that out.

Just get out there and live and do good!

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