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Enough is Enough…Muslims need their own designated place to live…and not with Western Society 270 187 Mari Bickmore

Enough is Enough…Muslims need their own designated place to live…and not with Western Society


Hey, I usually never, ever post a politically-centric only article.  I am happy traveling and eating well, and will post something lovely to eat tomorrow, but for today I can’t help myself.  These Muslims are a plague and a pestilence wherever they become more than 5% (well any percent, but that tips their scales).  Every single day, somewhere in the world, an atrocity is committed in the name of Islam or by countries or people practicing Sharia.  Every. Single. Day.  Stoning, honor killings, chopping off hands, horrid treatment of women, rapes, pillages, forced conversions, beheadings, jizya…The list goes on and on.  You want to tell me that that is a small percentage of Muslims, 10-15%.  What percentage of Germans caused the Holocaust?  The activists?  10-15%.  With any historical war or evil movement, what percentage were the activists?  10-15%.  The biggest issue is the one that most people don’t want to see.  All Muslims believe that they are superior and that they should rule over everyone else.  That every person should have to live under Sharia.  All of them.  They are not the bomb-strapping, beheading, in-your-face killers.  They are just waiting for the others to do the wet work.  Part of those, however, are the complainers.  The ones who are offended.  They ones who are trying to change our laws, our cultures, the very fabric of our society, slowly, like a cancer.  Our governments, our liberals, our media are letting it happen.

say no to islam

Look at Sweden.  About 40 years ago their government voted to change their homogenous society to a multiculture society.  Once Sweden had almost no crime, and now they are number TWO in the world in rapes.

Who do you suppose is committing the majority of those rapes?  But their news agencies and reporting bureaus are not allowed to report those numbers.  I suppose we should let that go and apologize because the women of Sweden aren’t covered head to toe in a black tent, otherwise the Muslim men can’t control themselves any better than animals.  (apologies go out to the animals).  Why are people not rising up in all our Western countries to protest?  Because we are lazy for one, but we are PC’ed to death or afraid we’ll be prosecuted for some “hate” crime.  I maintain that the term “Islamaphobe” is stupid.  A phobia is an irrational or unfounded fear of something.  There is nothing irrational or unfounded about it.  I read a new word lately that I like:  Islamapologist = our news and government would fall under that.

Over the weekend there were two shootings in Copenhagen committed by a Muslim, targeting an artist and at a Jewish synagogue.   Luckily, he was shot by police, after injuring three of them.  We must not let ourselves lose our freedom of speech and expression due to fear of harm or fear of “offending” them.   What is more offensive, a cartoon or a beheading (or any of the atrocities listed above?).  Jews are leaving France in record numbers (over 6000 in 2014 alone) due to fear from harm by Muslims.  They are being spit on, ridiculed and attacked by Muslims.

jewish gravesNBC reports that male teenagers were arrested for this, one having confessed, but did not report the names, thereby not reporting that it was Muslms.

“300 tombs were desecrated in the Jewish cemetery in the eastern town of Sarre-Union on Sunday. President Francois Hollande labelled the incident “odious and barbaric,” and Prime Minister Manuel Valls said via his Twitter feed that the “vile, anti-Semitic act” was “an insult to memory.”

CNN:  CNN states here that there is a growing anti-Semitism in Europe.  They are sooo PC that they cannot even say where is is coming from….THE MUSLIMS!  They won’t even utter that when they WONDER who did this to the graves.  Isn’t it more than obvious to everyone who can reason?  But, then again, CNN doesn’t reason very well.  CNN is non-news, in my opinion, so I even surprised that they reported this at all.

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