Mari Bickmore Design | Having a Blast In Interior Design and Staging

RESOLUTIONS and GREEN ZEN SOUP 1024 768 Mari Bickmore


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I just returned home from Christmas holiday in Southern California where it was in the 70s and sunny. Lucky when I got home it was sunny….and 23 degrees! Yuch! I just had to say that.

I have been thinking about New Year’s resolutions (better late than never). I typically don’t make any firm resolutions anymore, and that hasn’t exactly changed. However, as the years have begun to race by and I ponder the fact that I don’t feel like I am fulfilling every moment with positives, I figured I’d at least have an outline of resolutions, of a sort. I don’t want to write down things that I cannot accomplish and just feel bad about it, so I’m keeping it fairly simple, so here are my thoughts:
1. Try not to waste so much time; i.e. watching too much TV, spending too much time looking at random things on the internet.
2. Focus on learning, expanding my base of knowledge, self-improvement; i.e. really learning a second language, scripture study and spirituality, take new design classes, or find an entirely new business to try.
3. Make a bucket list and start marking them off; even things that seem unrealistic. Go big or go home, know what I mean?!?! Someone told me that dividing it into categories, such as weekend-type items, week-long items, month-long items, etc. might make the list easier to use.
4. Try to have a healthier lifestyle; i.e. eating, exercise, work hard with physical therapy to get my gimpy foot healed enough to jump back into tennis.
5. Work at relationships; expand my circle of friends, let my family know how much I love them all the time. As an aside to this, I want to perform some type of service for random people as often as possible…I am not great at thinking about this, so it will be a definite process for me. I know “pay it forward” is an old cliche now, but that probably sums it up.

Okay, it does seem like more than an outline and somewhat less than simple. It is doubtful that I will be marking any of these off as complete as they are more of a process, but I hope when the year comes rushing to a close I will look back and see changes and improvement in my lifestyle (and I won’t see 10 more pounds but 10 less). Maybe I will have learned a thing or two and have seen some interesting places and feel like I have and will continue to make a difference in this world, however small it may be.

In the vein of the healthy aspect of my list, this soup is amazingly good for you food! After all the holiday food and eating out I have done since Thanksgiving, I should eat this everyday for weeks to lose those holiday pounds. But we all know that I might post a recipe for donuts next week or a new cream sauce. This is kind of a template recipe, as you can play with your favorite green veggies and make it your own. I don’t think I have made it exactly the same twice, but this is my favorite.

Green Zen Soup

3 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
2 large yellow or Vidalia onions
2-3 cloves garlic, chopped
1-1/2 tsp salt divided
½ cup arborio or long-grain white rice
1 lb greens (kale, green/Swiss chard, or mustard greens – or a blend; my favorite is half kale and half Swiss chard)
12 cups spinach (about 12 oz)
2 cups chopped broccoli florets
4 cups vegetable or chicken broth
½ tsp cayenne pepper
1-1/2 Tbsp lemon juice

1. On high heat, heat oil in large skillet. Add onions and ½ tsp salt.
2. Stir until onions begin to brown; about 5 minutes.
3. Add 2 tsp water, reduce heat to low and cover. Stir frequently and cook until onions are caramelized; about 25 minutes. In the last 5 minutes of cooking, add the chopped garlic.

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4. In the meantime, combine 4 cups of water, the ½ cup rice, and a generous teaspoon of salt in a soup pot or dutch oven and bring to a boil.
5. Reduce heat to simmer and cook, covered, for 15 minutes.
6. Trim any tough stems or ribs from the greens and chop. Even kale that is already chopped in the package may have tough stems and ribs.
7. When the rice mixture has cooked for 15 minutes, stir in the broccoli and cook on low for 5 minutes, then add the greens and simmer for 10 minutes.
8. When onions are caramelized, stir in 1/4 cup of the broth and add to the greens mixture, along with the spinach, remaining broth and cayenne.
9. Return to a simmer, and cook until the spinach is tender; aobut 5 minutes.

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10. In batches, puree the soup in a blender, then add the lemon juice when all the soup is combined together in a large bowl or pot. Garnish with olive oil and/or feta cheese (optional).

Eat that everyday for a week and call me.

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